The following is a list of organizations committed to protecting the rights
of children both internationally and in the United States.
Otunnu, Under Secretary-General, Special Representative of the Secretary-General
for Children and Armed Conflict www.un.org
- go to Humanitarian Affairs
Convention on the Rights of the Child
Download full text from: www.unicef.org or
contact US Committee for UNICEF Office of Public Policy and Advocacy
1775 K St. N.W. Suite 360 Washington, DC 20006
ChildRights International
Research Institute 35 West 83rd St. New York, NY 10024 (212) 873-7250
email: childrights@worldnet.att.net
The Child Rights Information Network www.crin.org
Youth Advocate Program International 4545 42nd St., NW, Suite 209
Washington, DC 20016 (202) 244-1986 email: yapi@igc.org
Amnesty International USA 322 8th Ave. New York, NY 10001 www.amnesty.org
For children's rights information, ask for the Children's Rights Network
Hague Appeal for Peace www.haguepeace.org
Widows of War Living Memorial www.warwidows.org