EMMY AWARD WINNER 2000 Outstanding Non-Fiction
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searing documentary."
John Leonard, CBS News Sunday Morning
in War is a film not so much about children as by them. The Raymonds train their
camera on the little faces and let the children speak. . . .Their small sad faces
give a heartbreaking human dimension to a tragedy almost too big to comprehend
Barbara Crossette, The New York Times
In the HBO documentary, an 11-year-old Tutsi boy describes
watching his parents' slaying. |
Susan and Alan Raymond spent two years in Bosnia, Israel,
Rwanda, and Northern Ireland making HBO's Children in War.
"How is it that at the end of the twentieth century we perpetrate and tolerate
such brutality and barbarism, particularly against the innocent? Children in War,
through the simple moving answers of the children and youth, forces the viewer
to see and feel in stark nakedness the horrific reality of our actions....Alan
and Susan Raymond have made a wonderful, important contribution. Let us hope that
Children in War and all the work that went into it stimulates change; it must
be a call to action."
Everett Ressler, Senior Advisor on Emergency
Planning for Children in Armed Conflict, UNICEF
"Children in War is extraordinary. The Raymonds have
my deep admiration for what they have risked and achieved. Those of us who have
covered such places and people, such conflicts and torments, know that they are
seeing and caring about exactly the right and most precious things."
Simon, National Public Radio
"Though the documentary
may break your heart in new ways, it offers promise. . . it may conquer the indifference
of people to situations that are occurring far away from the safety of their own
backyard. Children in War is an invaluable historical record." more
by Nancy Randle . . .
Randle, The Philadelphia Inquirer

The Raymonds address the sensitive and complex issue of
the politicalization of children: How they can be wrongly drawn into conflicts.
A Catholic teenager describes what it's like to live in
a city in Northern Ireland with 18-foot-high peace signs separating neighborhoods. | "Children
in War has disturbing images and heart-wrenching stories that capture the impact
of war and terrorism, as seen through the eyes of its most innocent victims, children.
A powerful and compassionate report."
The Christian Science Monitor
. . . . Children in War is a shattering piece of work."
Eric Mink,
New York Daily News | |